Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I am soo happy that I wanted to share with every every Nightmare Loyal Fans! There are news I have received about their upcoming 10th Anniversary album titled, "Gianizm" to be release this coming 1st January, 2010. *counting days.... counting days...xD*


Gianizm is Nightmare's 10th Anniversary Album, set to be released January 1, 2010. Two different versions will be released. One containing only a CD, and the other containing a CD+DVD. The album is a compilation of all the "Gianizm" tracks, including a new Gianizm track never before released. The DVD included with the limited edition contains a video for each track.


自傷(少年テロリスト) (Jishou (Shounen Terrorist))

ジャイアニズム痛 (Gianizm Tsuu)

ジャイアニズム惨 (Gianizm San)

ジャイアニズム死 (Gianizm Shi)

ジャイアニズム誤 (Gianizm Go)

ジャイアニズム碌 (Gianizm Roku)

ジャイアニズム叱 (Gianizm Shichi)

ジャイアニズム罰 (Gianizm Hachi)

ジャイアニズム究 (Gianizm Kyuu)

ジャイアニズム天 (Gianizm Ten)

-Source from Wikipedia.

The regular album comes with:

  • A 36-page photo booklet.
  • 5 Trading Cards (Type B Set)
  • 5 entry raffle tickets to an event. Unfortunately, it doesn't say for what event.
  • A 10th Anniversary Special Ticket Coupon
  • Something signed by a band member with a message from them along with the possibility with something enclosed

-Source from naitousa and official website.


自傷(少年テロリスト) (Jishou (Shounen Terrorist))

ジャイアニズム痛 (Gianizm Tsuu)

ジャイアニズム惨 (Gianizm San)

ジャイアニズム死 (Gianizm Shi)

ジャイアニズム誤 (Gianizm Go)

ジャイアニズム碌 (Gianizm Roku)

ジャイアニズム叱 (Gianizm Shichi)

ジャイアニズム罰 (Gianizm Hachi)

ジャイアニズム究 (Gianizm Kyuu)

ジャイアニズム天 (Gianizm Ten)


自傷(少年テロリスト) from Ultimate Circus Finale 03.12.12 渋谷公会堂

ジャイアニズム痛~生涯皆殺し~ from 極東シンフォニー ~the Five Stars Night~@BUDOKAN

ジャイアニズム惨 from 極東シンフォニー ~the Five Stars Night~ @BUDOKAN

ジャイアニズム死 PV

ジャイアニズム誤 from Nightmare LIVE HOUSE TOUR 2008-killer show- at 新潟Lots

ジャイアニズム碌 from TOUR 2006【ジャイアニズム痛】@NHK HALL

ジャイアニズム叱 from VISION OF the WORLD RULER at 東京国際フォーラムA

ジャイアニズム罰 from TOUR 2008 Grand killer show@東京国際フォーラム ホールA

ジャイアニズム究 from NIGHTMARE PARADE TOUR FINAL “MAJESTIC”@日本武道館(type B)

ジャイアニズム天 PV

The album with the DVD comes with:

A special case
A size B2 poster
5 entry raffle tickets to an event
10 songs to the Gianizm series in DVD
A 10th Anniversary Special Ticket Coupon
A sparkly card with something possibly enclosed

-Source from naitousa and official website.

To commemorate their 10th anniversary, Nightmare's record company, VAP, is offering a special coupon on all of Nightmare's CDs and DVDs. They will be distributing it at their live shows. Once you receive the coupons, you will receive a special present. So keep it safe when you get it! VAP will publish this on their site about this later on.
In their upcoming "Gianizm" album, there will be an ticket appliation enclosed inside that will allow owners of the album to have a chance to win special items and goods, which include:

The other raffle gives you a chance to own a signed instrument one of the members used in the Gianizm 10 PV.

Gianizm 4 Off-shot DVD with complete off-shot photos of the recording.
Gianizm 10 Off-shot DVD with complete off-shot photos of the recording.
Special Gianizm T-shirt. (Please pick the right t-shirt size for yourself on the application form.)
Nightmare 10th Anniversary Plate (with a serial number). To commemorate it, a picture of the band will be on the ornamental plate.

The other raffle gives you a chance to own a signed instrument one of the members used in the Gianizm 10 PV.

See guys...? Man... I just wish I can go the live and get the coupon!!!x"( But I will get the album!!! muahahahah ANDDD THE JACKETTT!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!

OHHHHH I JUST CANNOT WAIT FOR NIGHTMARE 2010!!! REALLY, REALLYYYY CAN'T WAIIITTT!!!!! HEHEH I have nothing to say more.... I'm just so excited!!!^-^


1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG!!! O___O
yeah... I'll also have the Gianizm ande the Majestical Parade :DD
but... How did you do to get the jacket? It´s Beautiful!!! >w<
well ... then tell me, I also say the same, without the Visual Kei I am not who I am today, and Nightmare was the first Visual group what I heared. I love them!!!