Saturday, February 20, 2010

SID's "sleep" FULL PV.

It has been a while that I have not update my blog. Sorry guys. So, today I came up with SID's upcoming single titled, "sleep" FULL PV, the single that will be out this coming 3rd March. I love this song so much now =) It's just so beautiful and the title 'sleep'... It just... Well, it just matches the 'season' I am having now.... For someone.... Sigh... But seriously, this is just a great song! Arigatou SID! I miss Aki... The pv is just perfect. Their clothes are super awesome, the opening and the ending... Is just great. Aki with that outfit (Y) hehe Here it is! Enjoy guys! I hope I can keep myself up to date with my blog.... There r just lots of things been happening in my life... But J-ROCK WILL ALWAYS BE MY SAVIOR! X")

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